The available plots are highlighted on the attached plan and offer a variety of hard surfaced / stoned areas.
A design build service (subject to terms) is available for those requiring Logistics / Production buildings.
The plots are available by way of new Full Repairing and Insuring leases for terms of years to be agreed, to incorporate regular upward only rent reviews to be drafted outside the Security of Tenure Provisions of the 1954 Landlord and Tenant Act.
Rent reviews will be to the greater of the passing, Open Market rental or annual RPI subject to a minimum of 2% and maximum of 5% per annum.
Short Term leases
In addition to conventional lease arrangements Short term fl exible agreements, allowing for swift occupation will be considered for terms of between 6 months to 3 years subject to landlord only ‘lift and shift’ clauses.
Arrangements on this basis will be drafted outside the Security of Tenure provisions of the Landlord & Tenant Act.
The site was formerly used for a variety of manufacturing / distribution and open storage uses.
Interested parties should make their own enquiries to the Planning Department of South Gloucestershire Council.
Each party is to be responsible for their own legal costs incurred in the transaction.
Upon application.
The occupier will be required to submit documentation to satisfy anti-money laundering regulations.